The Story of Del Cid Family Estate
Del Cid Coffee is coffee grown with love, inspiration, courage and honor. Finca Del Cid has been around for generations, this one ran by Herceny and her mother are the first women to run the farms. Herceny's innovative and risky ideas has brought her families coffee to places never imagined, directly to your cup. Our goal, as a family, is to give you the finest coffee, grown with care, dried with love and roasted with flavor. For the first time you will be able to watch the entire process of your coffee; watch it grow, dry in the sun, and roast until you can physically, touch, smell and taste it. We are proud to be Certified Specialty Coffee; the highest grade of coffee available in the world. We welcome you with open arms to visit Finca Del Cid in Guatemala; we provide lodging, farm tours and best of all fresh coffee! Bienvenidos!
Climate Protection
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Factories / Washing Stations
Factory / Mill Name | Altitude (Meters) | No. Farmers | Varieties | Year Founded |
Finca Del Cid | Locked sign up to view. |
1 | Catimor, … Locked sign up to view all. |
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Location: Factories and Farms
Circles represent a 3km radius around each factory, where farmers receive similar weather information.
Climate Data and Analysis
Satellite Data Verified
This climate data is verified by our climate protection platform.
Average Altitude: 1,100 meters
Average Temperature: 26.1 °C
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