Welcome to COLLABS

Bring Your Coffee’s Story to Life – While Supporting Climate Resilience


What You Get

  • ✔ Engaging video content featuring the coffee farmers behind your Kenyan coffee
  • ✔ Authentic storytelling showcasing sustainability, farmer impact, and coffee origins
  • ✔ Boosted brand trust— align your roastery with climate action
  • ✔ Your payment funds climate protection tools for the farmers you buy from!

Example COLLABS Content

Pricing & Options

COLLAB Option What’s Included Price Payment Link
Verified Content Reel A professional, high-quality video featuring a short story about the cooperative that grew your coffee. Great for Instagram, TikTok & website. $150
Premium Reel A unique, custom-made video featuring farmers mentioning your roastery by name and sending a personalized message. $500

How It Works

  1. Let us know which Kenyan coffee you source. Fill out a quick form to share your coffee details:.
  2. We create the reel. We work with the cooperative to produce a high-quality video for your brand.
  3. You receive ready-to-post content. We will co-post it on Instagram with @ClimateSmartCoffee.

Our Team & Verification Process

We have a dedicated team in both the US and Kenya to verify cooperatives, create film high-quality content, and answer any questions you may have. This ensures that every video is authentic, impactful, and aligned with your brand’s sustainability goals.

Where Your Money Goes

Your payment goes toward funding climate resilience for coffee farmers.

  • Weather alerts and climate-smart advice for farmers
  • Financial protection tools like climate insurance
  • Shade tree planting for biodiversity

Customers care about sustainability—this is an easy way to showcase your impact.

Sign up today to reserve your reel, email us at collabs@climatesmart.coffee