Kiamugumu Coffee Factory
New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society
Kirinyaga, Kenya 686 Farmers
Factory / Wet Mill These farmers are seeking roaster support.The Story of Kiamugumu Coffee Factory
New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society operates the Kiamugumo Factory, which was founded in the 1970s. There are about 1,500 contributing members who deliver cherry to the factory, each growing coffee alongside other crops on about 1/8th a hectare each, average. The farmers bring their cherry to the factory for sorting and processing as soon as it is picked: The coffee is depulped, then fermented underwater for 12–24 hours before being washed four times and spread on raised beds for 9–13 days. The factory leadership offers producers imputs on credit as well as cash advances to assist with the season and incentivize coffee production and quality. (Source: Cafe Imports)
Kirinyaga, Kenya
1,700 meters
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Explore More Factories at New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society
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Factory and Farm Locations
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