Kariani Coffee Factory
Mwirua Farmers Cooperative Society
Murang'a, Kenya 1,304 Farmers
Factory / Wet Mill These farmers are seeking roaster support.Current Season: Kenya Coffee Season 2024/25
The Story of Kariani Coffee Factory
Kariaini Coffee Factory is operated by the Mwirua Farmers Cooperative Society (F.C.S.) and was founded in the 1960s. Smallholder farmers here own about 1/5th of a hectare and deliver cherry to the factory for processing. The coffee is delivered and sorted before being depulped, and then it is fermented underwater for 15–24 hours. It's washed three times and spread on metal drying tables for 6–7 days. Coffee in Kenya is typically traceable down to the factory, or mill level. Most farmers own between 1/8 to 1/4 of a hectare, and often grow crops other than coffee as well, which means they rely on a central processing unit for sale and processing of their coffee. Producers deliver in cherry form to a factory, where the cooperative will sort, weigh, and issue payment for the delivery. The coffee is then blended with the rest of the day's deliveries and goes on to be processed. Because of this system, which serves many hundreds to several thousands of smallholder farmers per factory, there is limited traceability down to the individual producers whose coffee comprises the lots. (Source: The Town Roaster)
Murang'a, Kenya
1,700 meters Altitude
2,000 mm RainfallSign in for precise altitude.
Satellite Verified
Coffee Details
Washed Processed
Sun Drying Method
Climate Protection Rate
Needs Climate ProtectionRecent Sales Data
October 29, 2024
$270.0 for 50kg bag
Grade: AB
Buyer: Ibero Kenya Ltd
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1,700 meters Sign in for precise altitude.
Farmers live within 3km of walking distance from their coffee factory and receive weather information in this area.
Climate Data and Analysis
Satellite Data Verified
This climate data is verified by our climate protection platform.

Factory Altitude: 1,700 meters Sign in for precise altitude.
Altitude Risk Level:
Acceptable Range: 1,000 m to 2,000 m
Climate Risk Zone: < 800 m

Pest and Disease
Leaf Rust, Berry Borer, Berry Disease
Pest and Disease Risk Level:
Unknown Risk
Historical Climate Data
Year | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Rainfall (mm) | 1,561 mm | 1,287 mm | 1,002 mm | 2,326 mm | 1,878 mm | 1,926 mm |
Temperature (°C) | 27.7 °C | 26.3 °C | 26.8 °C | 25.8 °C | 26.2 °C | 25.2 °C |
Min Temperature (°C) | 6.1 °C | 4.4 °C | 4.3 °C | 5.8 °C | 6.5 °C | 7.0 °C |
Max Temperature (°C) | 38.8 °C | 38.0 °C | 39.0 °C | 38.8 °C | 39.0 °C | 35.3 °C |
Climate Quality | Some Extreme Risk | Good Rainfall | Good Rainfall | Good Rainfall | Good Rainfall | Good Rainfall |