Barichu Coffee Cooperative
Nyeri, Kenya 1,597 Farmers
Factory / Wet Mill These farmers are seeking roaster support.The Story of Karindundu
The Kenya Karindundu AB single origin coffee is grown by hundreds of farmers near the Karindundu factory (wet mill), and primarily includes the variety SL-28 grown at approximately 1,700m above sea level. SL-28 is a Scott Agricultural Laboratories produced cultivar related to Bourbon-Typica related and is favoured for its drought tolerance and good cup quality, though it is susceptible to major diseases such as leaf rust, berry disease and nematodes. It is a tall evergreen variety that produces large beans – hence the AB screen grade on this lot. The Kenya Karindundu AB single origin coffee is best suited to filter brew methods such as Pour Over, Chemex and Plunger, and also produces exceptional cold brew coffee. Tasting Notes: Soft orange acidity and medium body, with notes of grape, mandarin and black current, with hints of chocolate and dried spices. Dried fruits and spices. (Source: Cream Coffee https://cremacoffeegarage.com.au/blog/crema-trekkers-explore-kenya-karindundu-ab)
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Factory and Farm Locations
Circles represent a 3km radius around each factory, where farmers receive similar weather information.