Barichu Coffee Cooperative
Nyeri, Kenya 1,699 Farmers
Factory / Wet Mill These farmers are seeking roaster support.The Story of Gaturiri
Gaturiri is a washing station in Nyeri, Central Kenya; in Kenya these stations are referred to as factories. This district is known for complex, flavorful coffees with intensity. Gaturiri is owned by the Barichu Cooperative, who operates three other washing stations: Karindundu, Gatomboya, and Karatina (we have offered coffee from a couple of those washing stations). The factory processes coffee cherries from about 1500 Coop members, most of whom are smallholder farmers with about 250 coffee trees. Farmers plant other crops in with the coffee trees, like macadamia, bananas, corn and beans. Being part of the Coop gives members access to financing for school fees, farm improvements and emergencies, as well as a plant nursery and a demo coffee plot. (From
Coffee Products
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Factory and Farm Locations
Circles represent a 3km radius around each factory, where farmers receive similar weather information.